Interior Designers in East Peckham, Kent

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East Peckham / 25 mi
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Featured Reviews for Interior Designers in East Peckham, Kent

The Interior Workshop
Interior Designers in East Peckham, Kent
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars14 December 2023
“Kathryn is a great person to guide and help you through the whole project, she comes out with thoughts and possible problems you can never conceive! She has so much experience! Even getting to know you and whoever is using the house to get the most out of the project and budget . So pleased with results and wonderful comments From family and friends, from results! Definitely would recommend”
Nicky Percival Limited
Interior Designers in East Peckham, Kent
Average rating: 4 out of 5 stars12 May 2017
“Nicky helped our client design their lounge / kitchen diner following wall removals and alterations carried out by us. Nicky provided a great link between us as the contractor and the client. It allowed her design flair to shine within a practical understanding of the implications of all aspects of the works, especially the timing of decision making by the client. Pleasure to work with Nicky.”
Lucia Victoria Interiors
Interior Designers in East Peckham, Kent
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars10 November 2016
“Thank you for such a helpful service. I will only use Lucia Victoria for my furnishings and the interior design ideas are fantastic. Tracy definitely has a special talent”
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