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Featured Reviews for Space Planning Professionals in Hull, East Riding of Yorkshire
CeliaM Interior Stylist
Space Planning Professionals in Hull, East Riding of Yorkshire
“During a house move, we asked Celia and Chris to paint our mahogany bedroom furniture as it simply wasn't going to suit our new place. It had a French polished finished, so was never going to be a straightforward commission. The furniture had originally been fairly costly, so it was with some trepidation that I trusted the assurances I was given, e.g. on quality and durability of finish, of attention to detail etc.
I'm delighted to have made the choice, my furniture looks fantastic, its a really great quality job and the whole idea has worked out better than I'd hoped. The value for me in the service was the advice and guidance given through out, plus the willingness to change direction if needed. True to their word, Chris and Celia made sure that I was kept informed every step of the way and also nothing proceeded until I was happy with choices made.
The are hugely patient, know what they're talking about and can do what they say they can. Celia's advice is gently given and yet insightful and I was glad to take it. The whole process took a little longer than I imagined although partly that was down to delays in my responses to questions and decision points.
very happy,
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