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About Us

I am an interior designer, love working with accessories to change your rooms without costing to much, staging homes to sell, giving advise on colours and working to make homes your dream home,

Services Provided

Decluttering, Downsizing, Furniture Selection, Home Staging, Interior Styling, Project Management, Seasonal Decorating Services

Areas Served



The British institute of interior design


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Business Details

Business Name

Deborah Hayward

Phone Number

07783 416412


22 Chessel crescent,
Southampton, Hampshire SO19 4BS
United Kingdom

Typical Job Cost

£50 - £5,000

For a consultation is from £50 which will be about an hour, room plans are about £250, with design ideas tailored to you, to manage a complete home design can be up to £5000,


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Contact Deborah Hayward
United Kingdom
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