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About Us

COLOUR DECORATION MASTERCLASS: THE PRACTICAL GUIDE TO COLOURS IN INTERIORS NOW ON SALE (EARLY BIRD TICKETS) MESSAGE ME FOR DETAILS: https://www.homepoise.com/contact-menu My 2D IMAGING ONLINE DESIGN SYSTEM™ is a proprietary system that lets you see the end result of your very space, prior to acquiring any of the items you need in order to achieve that result. You will have, a 2D visualisation of what your space will look like and feel like, with all the real colours and materials that make out the final result. You will also have the plan for the perfect disposition of each element. My online service with exclusive 2D IMAGING DESIGN SYSTEM™ gives you: - Top Design Meaning You Can Increase Rents - Visualisation Meaning Easy & Accurate Execution - Shopping List Saving You Tons Time on Execution - Space Plan Meaning No Struggle To Maximise Space All of it for only £379 per room (*). It is easy to use it. Just call/email me to make sure it does what you really need. Contact me: https://www.homepoise.com/contact-menu

Services Provided

Downsizing, Furniture Selection, Interior Styling, Project Management, Seasonal Decorating Services, Space Planning, Home Styling, Furnishing Selection, Style Shopping, Property Phtotography,, Interior Photography, Online Interior Design, Headshot Photography

Areas Served

Cambridge, Peterborough, Hitchin, Northampton, UK Wide for Online Services, Milton Keynes




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Business Details

Business Name

Homepoise - Interiors

Phone Number

07881 636587


Cambridge, Cambridgeshire CB1
United Kingdom

Typical Job Cost

£125 - £379

Depending on the service needed I can offer different services


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Contact Homepoise - Interiors
United Kingdom
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