Natasha jackson interiors

Natasha jackson interiors

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About Us

"My background is TV & Drama where i've been involved in creating sets and dressing studios such as BBC One's interior design masters. A Interior stylist who works with Brands to create Imagery for E-commerce and digital platforms. I also work with clients and developers to showcase there properties to the right market. My passion for design and creating bespoke interiors packages for clients from mood boards, buying lists for interiors, using 3D drawing software to show the client the creative design."

Services Provided

Furniture Selection, Home Staging, Interior Styling, Bathroom Design, Bedroom Design, Bespoke Cabinets, Dining Room Design, Interior Design, Interior Photography, Living Room Design

Areas Served

Crawley, Horsham, Brighton, London, southeast, Horley, Dorking, East Grinstead


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Business Details

Business Name

Natasha jackson interiors

Phone Number

07706 717444


Crawley, West Sussex Rh117by
United Kingdom


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United Kingdom
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