Kitchen and Bathroom Suppliers in North Hykeham, Lincolnshire

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North Hykeham / 25 mi
114 of 14 professionals
14 Professionals

Featured Reviews for Kitchen and Bathroom Suppliers in North Hykeham, Lincolnshire

La Casa Interiors
Kitchen and Bathroom Suppliers in North Hykeham, Lincolnshire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars16 May 2018
“When the project first started, (at the design stage), The La Casa team worked with me, discussing my needs, wants and desires. The design for my shower room, bedroom and kitchen, all came with lots of input from myself and them. At all stages their enthusiasm for 'My' job was excellent. Their work force were excellent, never leaving me in a mess, and the installations perfection. My finished kitchen is a joy to me every time I walk into it. It's amazing. My shower room and bathroom, just what the lady ordered! Thank you to Mike, Amir, and the La Casa team, you were all a joy to work with.”
GMO Design
Kitchen and Bathroom Suppliers in North Hykeham, Lincolnshire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars20 April 2022
“Incredible creative design by Gareth in such an awkward size kitchen, felt listened to when going through the design process and gave us some great inspiration for ideas. The whole process was very smooth from smart to finish and our kitchen is now our main family room in the house”
Kast Concrete Basins
Kitchen and Bathroom Suppliers in North Hykeham, Lincolnshire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars4 May 2018
“I found this brand while looking for a concrete sink online. They have so many amazing options of colors and designs(I needed a really small bathroom sink which was hard to find other than boring standard white porcelain ones). I had some questions about drain fittings and about some other details and I both spoke on the phone and emailed with their staff. All very helpful and quick to help. I was super happy with the sink I ordered and it arrived securely in a custom made shipping container specifically made for the model I bought. Definitely impressed with the professionalism and quality of this brand and I would most certainly recommend them.”
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