Kitchen and Bathroom Suppliers in Southborough, Kent

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Southborough / 25 mi
115 of 90 professionals
90 Professionals

Featured Reviews for Kitchen and Bathroom Suppliers in Southborough, Kent

Kitchen and Bathroom Suppliers in Southborough, Kent
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars9 June 2016
“We fitted the amazing duetto brushed Copper Kitchen by OLIF tap on a new kitchen in Hackney and looks fantastic. Amazing kitchen tap with an amazing finish by OLIF! CCASA”
Lovasi International
Kitchen and Bathroom Suppliers in Southborough, Kent
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars28 April 2018
“We had the pleasure of meeting Magda and David during the |deal Home Exhibition at Olympia in 2017 where they had a large selection of their products on show. We were after a basin for a hall toilet we were renovating, and it did not take long to find a style that matched our needs. We love our Eneldo in Blue round basin, it is both practical and stylish, and a centrepiece of the room. Their customer service was excellent and I am happy to recommend Lovasi.”
WC ONE Limited
Kitchen and Bathroom Suppliers in Southborough, Kent
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars19 September 2016
“We have been using WCONE for 7 years as one of our suppliers the bathrooms and kitchens. Not only do we like the goods as they are of high quality but we have a great relationship with them unlike that with some larger/online companies, with WCONE you get the personal touch which i find these days is fading out. Through from the sale to the after-sales you cant go wrong in my opinion as nothing is a problem. Thank guys for you help over the years.”
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