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About Us

At Splashback.co.uk, we’ve created an exciting range of Laura Ashley branded and 30 of the most popular colours of glass splashbacks, all available in a full range of sizes to ensure a perfect fit in your kitchen. Our splashbacks all have self adhesive backing, so professional installation is not required, it's as easy as peel, stick and seal.

Services Provided

Glass Splashbacks, Glass Upstands, Coloured Splashbacks, Designer Splashbacks

Areas Served

UK, Birmingham, Manchester, Nationwide


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Business Details

Business Name


Phone Number

07831 562803


3 Churchgates, The Wilderness
Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire HP41FE
United Kingdom

Typical Job Cost

£5 - £250

10cm square samples of all of our glass splashbacks are available for just £2.50.


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Contact Splashback.co.uk
United Kingdom
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