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About Us

Here at Auspicious furniture, we create hand crafted kitchens, custom cabinetry, furniture and closets, designed for all needs. We work closely with you to create a balanced design and form that will capture your unique needs and personality.

Services Provided

Bespoke Cabinet Doors, Bespoke Cabinets, Bespoke Fitted Furniture, Bespoke Kitchen Cabinets, Bespoke Kitchen Pantries, Bespoke Shelving, Bespoke Worktops, Cabinet Installation, Cabinet Refacing, Cabinet Repair, Kitchen Design, Kitchen Renovation

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Business Details

Business Name

Auspicious Furniture

Phone Number

01453 833713


Days mill
old market
Nailsworth, Gloucestershire Gl6 ODU
United Kingdom

Typical Job Cost

£10,000 - £60,000


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United Kingdom
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