Landscape Architects and Garden Designers in Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire

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Tewkesbury / 25 mi
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80 Professionals

Featured Reviews for Landscape Architects and Garden Designers in Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire

MARZ Garden
Landscape Architects and Garden Designers in Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars13 January 2025
“As a coordinator in Blaise Community Garden, I had the pleasure of working with Margaret in planning and creating a new gravel garden. Margaret was confident in her use of space and well placed artefacts; both natural and man-made, so that the resulting garden showed balance and interest . After 2 years this area still looks good with minimum maintenance. Margaret also created a detailed illustrated proposal to renovate a long deep border in the original walled garden of Blaise Mansion. Specific cultivars were recommended to ensure that there would be seasonal interest and a layered effect typical of a traditional perennial border . The brief had also asked for consideration of climate change and dryer summers. Costing and sourcing were included in the proposal. I have found Margaret to have great integrity, commitment and knowledge in all the projects she has undertaken. She is able to see the potential of each garden space. Pam Skelding”
Wilson Associates Garden Design
Landscape Architects and Garden Designers in Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars13 October 2019
“Martyn Wilson designed our garden paying close attention to our original brief. We are delighted with the results and could never have created such a beautiful garden without him. He sourced local talented crafts people for bespoke pieces for the garden at prices to suit our budget. We would highly recommend his work”
Lucy Bravington Design
Landscape Architects and Garden Designers in Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars3 July 2017
“We were delighted with Lucy's work - very creative and really good ideas. Easy to work with and made every effort to understand our requirements. Proactive, friendly and on budget.”
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