Jo Thompson Landscape & Garden Design

Jo Thompson Landscape & Garden Design

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About Us

For Jo Thompson, designing a garden is very much a partnership between designer and the client: Jo creates inspired and inspirational spaces which sit beautifully and easily in their location. Over the years, she has also designed several show gardens for the RHS Chelsea Flower Show, winning numerous awards including Gold medal and and Best in Show, as well as Best New Rural Garden. Jo is a member of the RHS Gardens Committee and is Garden Advisor to RHS Rosemoor. She is a Registered Member of the Society of Garden Designers and is also a member of the RHS Shows Selection Panel. Jo Thompson has a reputation for exquisite planting and understanding of space and place. In 2014 the Society of Garden Designers named Jo as their Future Designer: “The Judges award this year focused on sense of place. Jo Thompson’s Sea Gem is an exquisite interpretation of a sandy dune-like garden in front of a beach house which is not only arrestingly beautiful, but a master class in designing for a specific locality and capturing perhaps the most important aspect of good design – sense of place”

Services Provided

3D Rendering, Artificial Living Walls, Bespoke Water Features, Decking Design, Decking Installation, Dog Kennel Construction, Drafting, Edible Gardens, Fence Installation, Garden Design, Garden Plans, Garden Supplies, Gazebo Design & Construction, Greenhouse Design & Installation, Hardscaping, Landscape Construction, Living Walls, Masonry, Organic Gardening, Patio Design, Project Management, Roof Decking Installation, Shed Design & Building, Site Planning, Swimming Pool Construction, Swimming Pool Design, Trellis Construction, Planting design, Plant sourcing, Planting, Terrace design

Areas Served

Ticehurst, Sussex, London, Kent, Cranbrook, Brighton, East Sussex, West Sussex, United Kingdom


Registered Member Society of Garden Designers RHS Chelsea 2018 Gold RHS Chatsworth Flower Show 2017 People's Choice RHS Chelsea 2016 Gold RHS Chelsea 2010 Gold Best in Show RHS Chelsea 2014 Gold Society of Garden Designers: Future Designer Award 2014


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Business Details

Business Name

Jo Thompson Landscape & Garden Design

Phone Number

01580 201593


Church Street
Ticehurst TN5 7AH
United Kingdom

Typical Job Cost

£40,000 - £800,000


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United Kingdom
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