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About Us

Yorkshire Garden Designs works on the principle that gardens are for people. As a designer I always aim to fully understand a client's own unique style and their practical needs so I can create a garden that is a perfect fit. Designs are hand drawn, so each one is truly bespoke and personal.

Services Provided

Garden consultation, design and planting services. Hard landscaping work can be carried out by one of our recommended landscape companies or by a contractor of the client's choice.

Areas Served

Yorkshire, mostly Harrogate, York, Leeds, Wetherby, Leyburn, Thirsk


Gold Award at Harrogate Autumn Flower Show 2015 BTEC National Diploma in Amenity Horticulture, Garden Design & Construction 2002


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Business Details

Business Name

Yorkshire Garden Designs

Phone Number

01423 331778


York, North Yorkshire YO26 8BJ
United Kingdom

Typical Job Cost

£250 - £1,000

Price quoted is for design work only.


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United Kingdom
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