Lighting designers in Clevedon, Somerset

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Featured Reviews for Lighting designers in Clevedon, Somerset

TME Interiors
Lighting designers in Clevedon, Somerset
Average rating: 4 out of 5 stars16 December 2016
“Teresa did a very thorough job when helping me to set the style of my newly refurbished penthouse apartment in Barcelona. She prepared a complete questionnaire to hep identify what I wanted, inspired me with some examples, and then sent me mood boards and recommendations on where to buy the different pieces of furniture / decoration. On top of that, she's a very nice and fun person to hang out with, which made me enjoy the whole process very much. I would wholeheartedly recommend her. Maria”
Hygge and Cwtch Design Studio
Lighting designers in Clevedon, Somerset
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars9 March 2021
“Hygge and Cwtch designs are innovative and made the very best of space and light. Their ideas on decorative design have proved to be just right. It's exactly what wanted and we love living in it.”
Hannah Redden Interiors
Lighting designers in Clevedon, Somerset
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars11 December 2019
“Hannah has helped me to decorate 2 rooms in my new house. She has coped with my indecisiveness and lack of ideas and come up with 2 rooms that are just gorgeous. They are beautiful, fit for purpose and homely. Thanks Hannah”
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