Lighting designers in Coven, Staffordshire

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Coven / 25 mi
115 of 49 professionals
49 Professionals

Featured Reviews for Lighting designers in Coven, Staffordshire

Chad Lighting Ltd
Lighting designers in Coven, Staffordshire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars1 June 2015
“We recently ordered an Arch Floor lamp with a large custom shade for a residential project. The lamp fits perfectly in small spaces due to the L-shaped base. The customer services team at Chad Lighting are extremely personable and helpful. They were very informative and answered all of our questions while we were on site installing the lamp. We have recently ordered two more of the same for another project!”
Silkworm and Cottontails t/a C.R.P Interiors Ltd
Lighting designers in Coven, Staffordshire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars15 June 2015
“I cannot recommend Silkworm and Cottontails high enough! Very professional, great creativity, wonderful workmanship and lots of ideas. Lisa was able to translate my thoughts and drawings into the finished articles. We have worked together now on many projects. She works well to deadlines, is always within budget and has a great feeling for design. We work very well together and her work is of a very high standard.”
Lighting designers in Coven, Staffordshire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars20 December 2016
“This is a fantastic company to work with, very clear and concise with their requests. We hope to have a long future partnership with the company. Chris Ball”
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