Lighting designers in Long Marston, North Yorkshire

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Long Marston / 25 mi
115 of 30 professionals
30 Professionals

Featured Reviews for Lighting designers in Long Marston, North Yorkshire

Lighting designers in Long Marston, North Yorkshire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars22 March 2015
“Benajmin spent his two hour visit talking with me, trying to figure out how to match the apartment's lighting to my taste and the way I live. He also spent a good amount of time in each room and helped me with a lighting scheme. After that, he and his crew completed their work in a timely fashion, they were very polite and knowledgable. I highly recommend him for any of your electrical or lighting needs.”
Brilliant Lighting
Lighting designers in Long Marston, North Yorkshire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars11 May 2015
“I have been very fortunate yo work with Brilliant Lighting now for over 8 years. The projects have been wonderful to shoot and the technical back up I get whilst shooting is second to non. Its wonderful to know that all the lighting can be tweaked from an I Pad. Making my task so much easier. Its never too much trouble to ask Melanie or Iain to turn down just one light by 25%. I would recommend them if you are looking for a professional company who can provide innovative lighting solutions. Simon”
Dowsing & Reynolds
Lighting designers in Long Marston, North Yorkshire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars5 March 2020
“We love Dowsing & Reynolds sockets so much we just had to include them in our new display! We have recommended their sockets and other products in their range to many of our clients. As a company they have been a pleasure to deal with.”
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