Lighting designers in Trafford Park, Greater Manchester

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Trafford Park / 25 mi
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86 Professionals

Featured Reviews for Lighting designers in Trafford Park, Greater Manchester

The Light Yard
Lighting designers in Trafford Park, Greater Manchester
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars3 October 2014
“The light Yard provided me with a comprehensive demonstration of their bespoke lighting range at my showroom. The quality of these lights are high end. The bespoke service which we discussed left me in no doubt what so ever that should I have the right project I would receive a personal service second to non. It is a bespoke service that is very customer focused and feel that my clients would be in very safe hands. Well done Jeff fabulous product. Maria Spencer Interiors”
Agapanthus Interiors
Lighting designers in Trafford Park, Greater Manchester
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars13 February 2015
“Tom and Zoë, quite simply, are the hardest working people I know. Themselves and their team will bend over backwards to get the job done to their highest of standard. I have worked closely with them on a few restaurant and commission based projects and they always strive to deliver the clients needs and wants within the budget and on time.”
Iconic Lights
Lighting designers in Trafford Park, Greater Manchester
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars2 October 2015
“As I am a total white fiend, it was only natural I was drawn towards the stunning Poul Christensen inspired ceiling shade. Scandinavian influence is strong in this beautiful, large shade. It came fully assembled and simple to hang. It is made from cut sections of PVC which are intricately folded to produce this designer style shade. I love how it looks in my bedroom. It creates a real focal point and brings the room right up to date with its clean, fresh lines. Like a work of art in itself, it looks perfect when unlit. When lit, its truly something else ! I love it.”
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