Loft Conversion Specialists in Radcliffe, Greater Manchester

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Radcliffe / 25 mi
115 of 18 professionals
18 Professionals

Featured Reviews for Loft Conversion Specialists in Radcliffe, Greater Manchester

Loft Conversion Specialists in Radcliffe, Greater Manchester
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars11 April 2020
“Liam and Paul with there team completed a garage conversion at my home in Prestbury in January. It is now an office with an WC. Would recommend them to anybody.”
Loft Leg Ltd
Loft Conversion Specialists in Radcliffe, Greater Manchester
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars18 November 2013
“The Installation of the loft ledge can be done in minutes, no need for the destructions as the brackets fit perfectly on the roof trusses. Easily installed & look neat & tidy. No more bending down, looking to see where that size 10 dress is you stored in the loft (that's just mine). Loft ledge helps you to not only organize your loft but to find things quicker. In fact according to my wife all I need is a bed up there. Get the loft ledge now”
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