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About Us

With generations of experience to call upon, our forward thinking approach encompasses a wide range of smart space saving techniques that sits alongside high quality build methods to produce distinctive quality that will exceed your aspirations. A good quality loft conversion is an invaluable addition to any home. It is essential to get the basics right from the start and with good planning of the key features such as staircases and windows it can give this type of conversion that extra dimension in terms of style and design. Every loft has its particular differences and our aim at Project4 is to use that footprint in creating a room for future generations to enjoy. The majority of lofts are convertible regardless and our full planning and building regulations package is designed to give you peace of mind.

Services Provided

- Loft Conversions - Loft Furniture home extensions - Extensions - Staircases

Areas Served

North Yorkshire London


Consumer protection approved craftsmen


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Business Details

Business Name


Phone Number

01904 819908


Popeshead Court Offices, Peter Lane
York, West Yorkshire Y01 8SU
United Kingdom

Typical Job Cost

£20,000 - 100,000


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United Kingdom
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