House Painters and Decorators in Appleby, Lincolnshire

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Appleby / 25 mi
115 of 19 professionals
19 Professionals

Featured Reviews for House Painters and Decorators in Appleby, Lincolnshire

Bespoke Decorative Finishes
House Painters and Decorators in Appleby, Lincolnshire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars27 March 2014
“Lesley is the absolute best. She worked with us for about five weeks, not only giving is great design choices, but spending time truly listening to what we wanted. The woman is meticulous about preparation, repair, restoration, and clean-up. I have no reservations about giving my highest recommendation.”
KB Decorating Services Ltd
House Painters and Decorators in Appleby, Lincolnshire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars12 October 2021
“i found kb decorating services reliable, dedicated and helpful. would reccommend highly.”
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