House Painters and Decorators in Tenbury Wells, Worcestershire

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Tenbury Wells / 25 mi
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25 Professionals

Featured Reviews for House Painters and Decorators in Tenbury Wells, Worcestershire

Renovate-4u Ltd
House Painters and Decorators in Tenbury Wells, Worcestershire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars29 November 2022
“Excellent bathroom tiling and decorating. Fully refurbished our bathroom and decorated our house. Reliable, tidy and punctual Highly recommend their services. Will definitely use again for future projects”
Protex Midlands
House Painters and Decorators in Tenbury Wells, Worcestershire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars10 April 2017
“Wes was working on Customers external as I was decorating the internal rooms at a terraced Victorian Property in Birmingham. High standard of work provided. Customer was satisfied with the finish.”
House Painters and Decorators in Tenbury Wells, Worcestershire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars17 March 2017
“I wanted to put wallpaper on a curved wall behind a cantilevered spiral staircase, my husband thought that it couldn't be done. I knew that it would require a real specialist and Richard at had all the specialist skills I needed. It was a very triicky job, balancing on ladders on a spiral staircase with some of the drops being 2 storeys high. but the finish looks spectacular. A very professional job undertaken by a very nice man. We have arranged for him to come back and paint the exterior of our house this year.”
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