House Painters and Decorators in Totnes, Devon

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Totnes / 25 mi
115 of 31 professionals
31 Professionals

Featured Reviews for House Painters and Decorators in Totnes, Devon

House Painters and Decorators in Totnes, Devon
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars16 October 2016
“Mark is probably one of south east London's best kept secrets! He had done a number of painting and decorating jobs for us over the years and is currently giving our whole house an overhaul. He is a nice person to have in our home and paints to a really high standard. We always get lovely comments from our friends when they see Marks work and we are delighted with him.”
downing decorating
House Painters and Decorators in Totnes, Devon
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars29 April 2022
“Outstanding work by both David and Luke on our external redecoration. Everything prepared to the highest standards and absolutely no mess left. Beautiful job done on time and on budget. Wouldn't use anyone else.”
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