Specialist Contractors in Hazel Grove, Greater Manchester

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Hazel Grove / 25 mi
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348 Professionals

Featured Reviews for Specialist Contractors in Hazel Grove, Greater Manchester

David Gunton's Hardwood Floors
Specialist Contractors in Hazel Grove, Greater Manchester
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars6 February 2018
“David's Hardwood floors (Wide Boards) are thoroughly professional and a pleasure to work with. David's knowledge of wooden floors is outstanding and the range of projects he has worked on are a testament to his skills. We could not be more delighted with our oak floors and the quality of the craftsmanship involved in installation. Visitors to our home all admire our beautiful oak floors. We highly recommend David and his team.”
Olympic Construction Ltd
Specialist Contractors in Hazel Grove, Greater Manchester
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars3 April 2017
“Olympic construction did a great job and they were extremely professional at their work couldn't be more satisfied. The job was to install a damp course at my property and make good all walls to be be damp proofed.”
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