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- Volarus Special Projects Limited
Volarus was set up to offer clients unique designs and bespoke balustrade and staircase solutions. We strive for...
Read moreBurntwood, West Midlands WS7 9LL - Midlands fencing solutions ltd T/A Colourfence
Colourfence is a maintenance free fencing solution and it s made of steel zincalume, comes in a different range o...
Read moreWolverhampton, West Midlands Wv106ej - TJB Metal Design Ltd
Designers, manufacturers and installers of quality architectural metalwork
Birmingham, West Midlands b44 8uh - Staircase DesignerWest Midlands, West Midlands .
- Ironbridge Fencing Contractors
Ironbridge Fencing Contractors are committed to providing you the fencing & decking services that suit your ga...
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Morris Fabrications Ltd are experienced architectural metalworkers able to manufacture and install various archite...
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- Gates Railings Direct
Our company was established in 1946 in our own factory in the West Midlands. We offer outstanding quality at sensi...
Read moreHungary Hill, Stourbridge, West Midlands DY9 7NH - Lyndale Stairs Limited
Over the last twenty years Lyndale Stairs Ltd has worked tirelessly to help our customers revitalise their homes t...
Read moreBurntwood, Staffordshire WS7 0AJ - Mike neal and son ltdHillcroft, Chapel lane, Beoley, Worcestershire B98 9fh
- Euro StairsBirmingham, Birmingham, West Midlands B19
- Colourfence281 Prince of Wales Lane, Birmingham, West Midlands B14 4LN