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About Us

Welcome to architectural metalwork and glass specialist Elysion Ltd. As a professional and high quality company, we are committed to providing you with an intelligent, creative, design, fabrication and installation service to across the UK. We specialise in the design, manufacture, finish and installation of high quality, bespoke architectural metalwork, art fabrication and visual metalwork, toughened glass balustrade and laminated glass floors to the private householder, retail, commercial, entertainment and construction sectors. As a small and talented team we are dedicated to actively seeking out original and exciting opportunities. If you would like to find out more, please contact us on 01629 820030 or visit us online today!

Services Provided

Architectural Glazing, Glass Balustrade, Commercial Staircase, Domestic Staircase, Stainless Steel Balustrade, Iron & Steel Balustrade, Handrails, Glass Flooring, Glass Doors, Screens & Facades, Juliet Balconies, Walk On Balconies, Bespoke Metalworks, Balconettes

Areas Served

Matlock, Derbyshire, South Yorkshire


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Business Details

Business Name

Elysion Ltd

Phone Number

01629 820030


Matlock, Derbyshire DE4 4AA
United Kingdom


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United Kingdom
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