Glass At Work

Glass At Work

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About Us

Glass At Work supply & install glass office partitioning across the UK. For Home or Office, we provide single glazed glass partitions, double glazed glass office partitioning, acoustic glass partitions, fire-rated glass partitioning and fire rated glass doors. Request a free quotation or use our instant cost calculator to order online!

Services Provided

Glass Installation, Window Screen Installation

Areas Served

Sheffield, London, Nationwide


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Business Details

Business Name

Glass At Work

Phone Number

0114 383 0999


Unit 35, 53 Mowbray Street
Sheffield, South Yorkshire S3 8EN
United Kingdom

Typical Job Cost

£2,000 - £50,000

Each glass partition is made to measure. You can get an instant and accurate cost from our website, or call / live chat for a quote.


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United Kingdom
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