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- BexSimon Ltd
Bex Simon is an Artist Blacksmith and designer, creating unique and imaginative metal artworks for private and pub...
Read more108 High Rd, Byfleet Village, West Byfleet, Surrey KT14 7QT - Anvil Forge
Anvil Metalworks is a small family run business creating bespoke quality gates, railings and associated metal work...
Read moreunit 2, the forge, farley hill, Berkshire RG7 1UJ - Ash Vale Wrought Iron
ASH VALE WROUGHT IRON Is a family run, mild steel fabrication business. We specialise in architectural metal work,...
Read moreAsh Vale, Surrey Gu12 5da - Metal Metro Fabrications
At Metal Metro fabrications we provide bespoke, hand crafted solutions for all aspects of metalwork and fabricatio...
Read moreUnit 15 Horatius Way, Silverwing Trading Estate, Croydon, Surrey CR0 4RU - Angell Welding & Fabrications
Located in South London, we are a professional metal work company specialising in the welding and fabrication of a...
Read moreCroydon, Surrey CR0 0AE - Caimbeul's Forge
A bespoke designer maker of traditionally hand forged steel using traditional, contemporary and tribal design as i...
Read more70 Bushey Hall rd, Bushey, Hertfordshire WD232EQ - Bronzewood London
We have an eclectic range of furniture designed for the home We are able to help you with decorative railings...
Read more835 Consort Road, London, Greater London SE15 2PR - The Iron Age Metalworks Ltd
The Iron Age Metalworks Ltd is well established Architectural Metalwork company and it is considered to be one of...
Read more71b Westcote Road, London, Greater London SW16 6BN - Burvills Ltd
We are specialists in ornamental & architectural metalwork with over 65 years experience. Our products are all...
Read moreEsher, Surrey KT10 8BL - Weldwide
We are Architectural and Structural Metalworkers with a wealth of knowledge and experience. Established since 199...
Read moreHounslow, Greater London TW4 7EA - KP Engineering Works Ltd
KP Engineering Works Ltd is a manufacturer and installer of quality steel fabrications such as Grilles, Gates, Rai...
Read moreLondon, Greater London HA9 0JH - Red Hot Metal, Blacksmiths and Forge Work
Red Hot Metal is a creator of unique and bespoke metal work, using traditional skills of a Blacksmith that have be...
Read moreLondon, Surrey KT19 8PT - J H Porter & Son Ltd13 Cranleigh Mews, Raynes Park, London SW20, Londonderry SW11 2QL
- Blue Finch Interiors1 Queen's Gate Terrace, London, Greater London SW7 5PE
- Courtney Inflatables - Bouncy Castles & Soft Play17 Thornhill Road, Ickenham, Greater London UB10 8SG