
Tricky bedroom layout

last month
last modified: last month

Hiya!We're having a bit of a nightmare trying to get a bed into bedroom 1. We've recently bought this cottage with lots of lovely character which mainly includes wonky walls and floors and bizarre layout choices!!The only place we can fit a double bed in room one is with the head against bedroom 2 but there isnt much space to walk around the bed. If you put the head against the bathroom, it is a) against a radiator, and b) the feet touch the fireplace on the other side so there is no room to get around. The bed can't go under the window because the window is very low.One idea we've had is to make the bathroom a metre smaller where the bath is to give more space to move around a bed with the head against bedroom 2. This does however make the bathroom quite small and would probably mean the shower would have to be in the window, which is again low and quite big!Our final option is to just ignore it like we are at the moment, sleep in bedroom 2 and throw an air bed on the floor of bedroom 1 when people stay! Which works bit isn't ideal.Just so you're aware, the wall between the bedrooms is a big, thick, sandstone wall (tricky to get rid of) and the wall between the bathroom and bedroom 1 is a stud wall. Also, our neighbours have been able to go into the loft but we're not sure how long we'll stay in this house and if we'll ever be able to afford that!I would really appreciate any ideas people have for getting a bed into bedroom 1, it's a really lovely, bright room and I'd love to be able to use it as our master bedroom!Thanks in advance! Chloe

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