Hi, I've bought a small 3 bed Victorian terrace for my two adult daughters and I to live in. It's near Newcastle city centre, in an area where a lot of students live. I'm revamping the house not only for myself to live in but with an eye to future buyers or tenants. Upstairs will keep the current layout. Downstairs I'm planning to make the second reception room the kitchen, and create a utility and second bathroom. I also need to create bike storage which will be used daily and storage for all my gardening stuff. even with a tiny yard I have a lots of tools, bags of compost etc. The current and proposed indoor layout is below. Can anyone suggest improvements? I have yet to find an off the shelf shed which will allow me to store bikes so each is accessible without removing the others, and still has space for other shed contents. Anyone faced the same issue?
Sam PotterOriginal Author
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