
Help with 1942 kitchen renovation backsplash design and tile.

4 years ago

Hello, we are completing a renovation for a 1942 home kitchen remodel. We look at two windows flanking the stove with our new view into the kitchen (from removing a wall). We are trying to decide whether to tile the whole wall around the windows or if we should only tile under the hood and cabinets. It has been suggested that we should tile around the windows to frame them since there is very little space to install trim (1" on either side of the hood before meeting the windows). I am concerned that this will look rustic and not in keeping with the home style. Any feedback would be appreciated!

I really like Wow Fez tile and am considering doing the whole wall in white gloss but wonder if the tile itself will look too rustic and if I should just go with a more streamlined subway tile. Do you think we should go with the rustic Fez or more traditional subway tile?

Thanks in advance for any feedback!

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