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About Us

Freeman Design is an experienced, young and dynamic Architecture and Design Studio. We work on residential projects throughout London, Southern England and the Midlands, providing a bespoke design-led service. We pride ourselves on delivering contemporary, high quality & sustainable design through technical excellence. Please get in touch to discuss your project and see how we can help. With over 15 years of experience, we offer technical excellence and attention to detail, realised through the design of practical, creative and beautiful spaces that aim to deliver client satisfaction & engage with stakeholders and communities alike.

Services Provided

3D Rendering, Accessible Design, Architectural Design, Architectural Drawings, Basement Conversion, Basement Design, Bathroom Design, Building Conservation, Building Design, Complete Kitchen Renovation, Custom Build Home, Decking Design, Design Consultation, Drafting, Eco Homes, Floor Plans, Garage Design, Garden Plans, Home Renovation, House Extensions, House Plans, House Restoration, Kitchen Design, Loft Conversion, Loft Restoration, New Home Build, Pantry Design, Passive Houses, Prefab Home Extensions, Prefab Homes, Project Management, Site Planning, Site Preparation, Space Planning, Staircase Design, Structural Engineering, Sustainable Design, Swimming Pool Construction, Tiny House Building, Utility Room Design

Areas Served

London, West Midlands, Oxfordshire


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Business Details

Business Name

Freeman Design

Phone Number

07821 314097


Oxford, Oxfordshire OX1 4RB
United Kingdom

Typical Job Cost

£100,000 - £3 million


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United Kingdom
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