Sculptured Arts Studio

Sculptured Arts Studio

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About Us

Sculptured Arts Studio specialise in making the finest exact copies of marble sculpture originals, for people who understand the joy of bringing a piece of quality art into the home. Yet since the time of Parian ware 1840-90, authentic high quality sculpture has been extremely hard to find. Until now, because Sculptured Arts Studio have developed a unique dry marble forming process, and over the past 20 years Sculptured Arts have lead the way the quality and finish of our reproduction sculptures.

Services Provided

Sculpture, Reproduction Sculpture, Restoration, Casting.

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Business Details

Business Name

Sculptured Arts Studio

Phone Number

01283 540800


Burton-on-Trent, Staffordshire DE14 1RQ
United Kingdom

Typical Job Cost

£100 - £100,000

We can supply small reproduction sculpture from £100 to large scale restoration and development projects £100,000+


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United Kingdom
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