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- Aquatecnic Wetroom Experts
Industry leading manufacturer of the Aquaproof Tanking System - the only liquid applied membranes with European Te...
Read moreDumfries, Dumfries & Galloway DG13PH - Raymond Plumbing and Heating
We are a small company established in 2012. We specialise in bathroom installation, boiler installation and centr...
Read more2 Marchfield Road, Dumfries, Dumfries & Galloway DG1 3FX
2 Professionals
Featured Reviews for Bathroom Designers & Fitters in Castle Douglas, Dumfries & Galloway
Aquatecnic Wetroom Experts
Bathroom Designers & Fitters in Castle Douglas, Dumfries & Galloway
“Aquatecnic Wetroom Experts are a fantastic company to work with, they supply all the products for the different projects such as wet rooms, rising damp, basement tanking. There deliveries are fantastic and always come when detailed.
Also if you need any extra information regarding what products that can be used on their systems they will go out of their way to get details for you to ensure everything works correctly with the systems.
They also are a very friendly company to deal with, and we will continue to keep the relationship going with them.”
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