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About Us

Exceptional bathroom creation. We are experts in the design, supply and installation of the finest bathrooms. Specialist project management with proven ability, for beautiful, high quality environments.

Services Provided

Bathroom Design, Bespoke Bathroom Vanities, Complete Bathroom Renovation, Design Consultation, Shower Room Design, Bathroom Installation, Supply of fine bathroom products

Areas Served

Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, Cotswolds


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Business Details

Business Name

Prestbury Bathrooms Limited

Phone Number

07880 792656


Cheltenham, Gloucestershire GL52 2DJ
United Kingdom

Typical Job Cost

£15,000 - £30,000

Typical costs include supply of high quality fittings from Sanijura, Nuovvo, Nicollazi and Schneider. Consultation, design and installation. http://www.nicolazzi.it/en/


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Contact Prestbury Bathrooms Limited
United Kingdom
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