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About Us

Our team of woodworkers and finishers believe in constant innovation. From exacting standards of design detail to rigorous quality control, every aspect of production is considered as ‘Art’. Though each floor we make is beautiful to the eye, it has a built-in practicality promise, that means it will stand the test of time in both commercial or residential areas. Our quality assurance means we only ever stock the very best certificated Oak and American Walnut, at our factory in Yorkshire, England. A large, on-site stock holding, means we can ensure a swift response to ever demanding deadlines, that what we’re all about. Parquet is usually a tricky flooring option... The concept for Cheville stemmed from a desire to take the tricky and turn it into something simple. And here's why.. 1. Its engineered - Because they are engineered, all of our parquet blocks can be laid direct on top of an underlay, this is especially important for the homeowner wanting to reduce noise below if living in an apartment. They are also suitable over under floor heating. 2. Its Pre-finished - Usually parquet requires sanding and sealing after installation, our floors are expertly hand finished before they are despatched, so installation is similar to laying an engineered plank floor. 3. Its affordable - Usually parquet is way beyond most peoples budgets, but ours range from £57 to £86. With installation working out at around £20. 4. Its bespoke - All of our floors are expertly hand finished using Dutch Hardwax Oils. All of our stock is held unfinished at our factory in Yorkshire. We have over 70 stock shades, but can do bespoke finishes upon request. We can do distressing, wire brushing, band sawing and hand scraping. 5. Its planned out - We take a plan of the proposed floor space and work out how many blocks will be required for the project, meaning no under or over estimations. Clients can see how the floor will look in the living space before they have it. If a client wants a border, we plan it out on a CAD system and cut all the blocks to size.This way everything fits like a jigsaw puzzle when it arrives on-site, making installation simple and leaving little room for error.

Services Provided

Bespoke Flooring, Wood Finishes & Treatment

Areas Served

London, UK, International


FSC® accreditation


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Business Details

Business Name

Cheville Parquet

Phone Number

020 7183 6352


London, Greater London SW6 4RD
United Kingdom

Typical Job Cost

£66+vat - £90+vat

We are a supply only company. We have a team of installers we work very closely with. They install plank for £30 + vat per sqm, and parquet from £32-36 + vat per sqm. We supply worldwide but install largely throughout Greater London.


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