Pendalier Ltd

Pendalier Ltd

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About Us

Lighting can make or break your home. Nothing says “home sweet home” better than turning the lights on and seeing your beautiful space finished with perfect lights. We understand that, and therefore at Pendalier, we offer various lighting options handpicked by our interior designers to suit your renovation upgrade needs. From statement lighting for your home to glass lighting for your office space, we have everything you need to light up your space. Our collection is tremendous, trendy, and ever-evolving. Don’t take our word for it. Browse our site and see for yourself. Shop our products now and enjoy free delivery over £100. Email id:

Services Provided

Decking Light Installation, Lighting, Lighting Design, Lighting Installation, Outdoor Lighting Installation, Recessed Lighting Installation, Swimming Pool Lighting

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Business Details

Business Name

Pendalier Ltd

Phone Number

0344 980 3773


North Vale Mill, 2nd Floor Design Studio, Bradford Road
Brighouse, West Yorkshire HD6 4DJ
United Kingdom


Contact Pendalier Ltd
United Kingdom
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