Smart Living Designs Ltd

Smart Living Designs Ltd

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About Us

All too often lighting is left to the last in project and sometimes just not given the importance it deserves at all. A well designed lighting scheme can completely transform a home, creating focal points and general ambience We will work with you, or your interior designer, to find out your intended use for the space including any features that would benefit from focussed illumination such as artwork, fireplaces, furniture, textures etc, from here we start to create a lighting scheme that works well for your home.

Services Provided

Lighting Design, Outdoor Lighting Installation, Lighting Control Systems, Mood Lighting Systems, Garden Lighting

Areas Served

London, Wimbledon, Coombe Hill, Ascot, Berkshire, Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire, St Albans, Harpenden


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Business Details

Business Name

Smart Living Designs Ltd

Phone Number

01582 454068


Luton, Bedfordshire LU2 8UP
United Kingdom

Typical Job Cost

£15,000 - £100,000


Contact Smart Living Designs Ltd
United Kingdom
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