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About Us

The classical Italian plastering technique stucco lustro is an ancient finish for modern walls. Created on natural materials exclusively. Crystallized marble surfaces produce rooms with fantastic reflections of light. Any color from delicate classic to modern pang can be obtained. Structures can be harmonious or wild - bright, glossy, matt, smooth, rough, metallic lustre, shimmer with crushed oyster shells. Curved or straight surfaces - walls, ceilings and columns - without any appearance of joints. Stucco lustro was used for palaces and villas in Venice and has stood the test of time. It is long-lasting, sustainable, it creates a healthy indoor climate and it needs no maintenance. Highly qualified Italian craftsmen will produce your surfaces. Browse our website stuccolustro.dk (indsæt link) for more details or contact us for an offer. You can experience examples at our shop-in-shop in Green SquareAntiques, (indsæt link?) in our Shop-In-Shop at Green Square Antiques. Ask for Ampio's walls and samples demonstrating different application techniques and colors.

Areas Served


Professional Information

CVR-nummer: DK-30595300


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Business Details

Business Name


Phone Number

+45 45 50 55 45


Raadvad 28
Kgs. Lyngby

Typical Job Cost

DKK 30 - DKK 400

Cost depends on square meters, surface type and special challenges.


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United Kingdom
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