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About Us

The Stonemasonry Company specialises in
 the design, fabrication
 and installation of natural stone staircases, fireplaces and commissioned pieces. We are a young company taking a fresh approach to the age-old craft of stonemasonry; we use modern engineering to help us create innovative work in stone. Working with some of the UK’s leading architectural practices, we are respected for our attention to detail, reliable communications and commitment to time scales.

Services Provided

Railing Installation, Staircase Installation, stonemasonry

Areas Served

Nationwide, London, Cheshire, Dorset, Sussex


Construction News award. 2014. Highly commended. Best sub contractor.


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Business Details

Business Name

The Stone Masonry Company Limited

Phone Number

01476 247049


Garthope road.
Wymondham, Leicestershire le14 2bs
United Kingdom

Typical Job Cost

£10 - £500


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Contact The Stone Masonry Company Limited
United Kingdom
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