This is an example of a small contemporary galley kitchen/diner in London with a submerged sink, flat-panel cabinets, grey cabinets, engineered stone countertops, green splashback, glass sheet splashback, stainless steel appliances, light hardwood flooring and a breakfast bar.
PlaceDesign Kitchens and Interiors
PlaceDesign Kitchens and Interiors
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars45 ReviewsView Profile

Barnes Terrace

Contemporary Kitchen, London

What Houzz contributors are saying
Kate Burt added this to What Kind of Lights Should I Have in My Kitchen?24 August 2020

Under-cabinet lightingThis type of kitchen lighting is fitted discreetly to the underside of wall cabinets or shelves....

What Houzz users are commenting on
Kati Soyrinki added this to Kati's Ideas24 February 2024


United Kingdom
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