This is an example of a small scandinavian galley enclosed kitchen in Melbourne with flat-panel cabinets, white cabinets, integrated appliances and light hardwood flooring.
Urban Angles
Urban Angles
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars2 ReviewsView Profile


Scandinavian Kitchen, Melbourne

Urban Angles

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What Houzz contributors are saying
Revive Your Space added this to 11 Steps to Your Most Organised Kitchen Ever6 December 2016

Plan a place for everythingThis kitchen is pretty extreme in its stark lack of clutter, but there’s a lot to be said...

What Houzz users are commenting on
Paul&Katie Schweitzer added this to Paul26 July 2024

Nice for a butler’s pantry, would add a beverage fridge, not just a wine fridge. And outlets.

United Kingdom
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