Photo of a small contemporary cloakroom in Hertfordshire with a wall-mounted sink, a wall mounted toilet, porcelain flooring and metal tiles.

Bibliotheque Project - Modern Country Home, Herts

Contemporary Cloakroom, Hertfordshire

A visually stunning feature tile used on the back wall giving an amazing effect and a beautiful porcelain tile used on the remaining walls and floor. Feature Wall: Wall Wo Mirror Pyramid Rett 35x100cm Walls & Floor: North White Stone Soft 80x80cm

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Lara Sargent added this to 10 Ways to Give Your Cloakroom Character12 November 2014

Remember lightingGood lighting is crucial in a cloakroom, especially if the room doesn’t have any windows. A series of...

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colleengibbons45 added this to colleengibbons45's ideas2 October 2024

Corner flowers

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