Design ideas for a traditional home office in Edinburgh with no fireplace and a freestanding desk.
Jane Perfect Interiors Ltd
Jane Perfect Interiors Ltd
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars35 ReviewsView Profile

Edinburgh Home Office

Traditional Home Office, Edinburgh

This former bedroom was transformed into a stunning home office with the aim of creating a serene, calm, practical but sophisticated room to work in with ample storage. Bespoke cabinetry was designed and painted in a smoky green hue to provide a sense of calm with the surrounding walls papered in a gorgeous textured soft taupe grasscloth wallpaper. The units also conceal a large A3 printer which pulls out when needed! All in all a beautifully executed design and a much better use of space.
What Houzz contributors are saying
Victoria Harrison added this to What’s Your Home Working Style?10 August 2023

3. How would someone describe you in three words?Quiet, nature-loving, dreamer [Solitary dreamer]Artistic, kind,...

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Ana Scott added this to Robbie’s Office14 January 2025

Cabinet colour

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