Decking Installers in Mellor Brook, Lancashire

Revamp your outdoor space with the addition of Decking, a Patio, Summerhouse or Shed. Chat with a professional near you on Houzz today.

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Mellor Brook / 25 mi
115 of 26 professionals
26 Professionals

Featured Reviews for Decking Installers in Mellor Brook, Lancashire

DJS Decking and Landscapes
Decking Installers in Mellor Brook, Lancashire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars6 February 2024
“Amazing summer house and decking,fantastic from start to finish and kept in the loop throughout.Woukd highly recommend”
Lakeland Verandahs
Decking Installers in Mellor Brook, Lancashire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars29 April 2019
“Mark at Lakeland Verandahs is very efficient on the telephone dealing with any inquiries which come through to him. Mark always goes into full detail with every customer when measuring their deck and gives all options available to them. Customer service with Mark and the team is always exceptional with the fitting process and many recommend using Lakeland Verandahs.”
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