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About Us

Interior design and renovation service Graphic design Furniture design Project management ( new build and renovation ) Survey service ( sound insulation, air and material moisture) Technical advice

Services Provided

3D Rendering, Accessible Design, Basement Design, Bathroom Design, Bedroom Design, Bespoke Bathroom Vanities, Bespoke Bookcases, Bespoke Cabinets, Bespoke Fitted Furniture, Bespoke Furniture, Bespoke Home Bars, Bespoke Kitchen Cabinets, Bespoke Shelving, Bespoke Walk-in Wardrobes, Dining Room Design, Downsizing, Drafting, Entrance Design, Feng Shui Decorating, Floor Plans, Furniture Selection, Garage Design, Garage Storage, Home Office Design & Construction, Home Staging, Interior Architecture, Interior Design, Interior Styling, Kids' Room Design, Kitchen Design, Lighting Design, Living Room Design, Nursery Design, Pantry Design, Playroom Design, Project Management, Seasonal Decorating Services, Space Planning, Staircase Design, Sustainable Design, Utility Room Design, Wardrobe Design, Wine Cellar Design, Workshop Design & Construction, Home Office Design, Interior design and renovation, Storage & Wardrobe Design, Interior architecture service Graphic design CAD, 3D Rendering Floor, air

Areas Served

London, London NW, N, W mainly but cover basically t


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Business Details

Business Name

The Avenue Design

Phone Number

07739 972839


Queens Park
London NW6
United Kingdom

Typical Job Cost

£300 - £50,000

Pricing per project or design


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Contact The Avenue Design
United Kingdom
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