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About Us

'Amanda has a great eye and an impeccable sense of style. When she decluttered my wardrobe she was kind, friendly and ruthless; and she was in all instances absolutely right! She helped me to let go of items which had outstayed their welcome, and to rediscover old items and combine them in new ways to give them fresh life, all with humour and without judging, in a way that put me completely at ease. We then went shopping together to fill the gaps we had identified, and she encouraged me to leave my comfort zone, and try items which I would probably not have picked out myself, but which she could see would suit me. Again, she was absolutely right, and many of those items remain firm favourites of mine. I would thoroughly recommend her services'. Ghislaine Peart

Services Provided

Decluttering, Home Staging, Professional Organising, Wardrobe Organisation, Personal Shopping, Styling

Areas Served

Hertford, Local, National, Oxfordshire, London


MA Fine Art Hertfordshire University 2021, BA Fine Art Coventry University 2001, Best New Visual Arts Talent, Interior Styling Central St Martins


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Business Details

Business Name

Amanda Ralph

Phone Number

07779 594324


Hertford, Hertfordshire Sg14 3dp
United Kingdom

Typical Job Cost

£150 - £2,000

Up to 3 hours wardrobe decluttering with free styling advice for £150 with additional hours at £35 per hour. Travel costs maybe extra depending on location.


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26 Ideabooks

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Contact Amanda Ralph
United Kingdom
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