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About Us

I am a Hampshire based Chartered Landscape Architect (CMLI) and Garden Designer with over 20 years experience working on a wide variety of projects from concept to completion with award winning results. I bring an innovative, creative design approach with commercial awareness and practical understanding to create inspiring outdoor spaces. I am passionate about achieving the full potential of outdoor spaces, no matter what their size, to enrich your home and lifestyle. I offer a free no obligation initial visit as every client and every project is unique. Following this meeting i can provide you with a detailed break down of my fees.

Services Provided

Garden Design, Garden Plans, Site Planning, Contract Administrator / Project Manager, Tender package

Areas Served

Southampton, Hampshire, Dorset, Sussex, Surrey, Other areas on enquiry, Wiltshire


BA Hons Dip Landscape Architecture


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Business Details

Business Name

Neil Jones Design

Phone Number

07801 832381


Southampton, Hampshire
United Kingdom

Typical Job Cost

£20,000 - £80,000


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United Kingdom
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