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About Us

From the beginning I’ve always enjoyed a collaborative approach with my clients, listening carefully to what you want most from your unique project . I love rich textures and innovative use of materials, seamlessly fusing old and new. Existing materials are repurposed if possible as well as making full use of mature plantings. Each design is tailored to suit the client’s own distinctive style and vision which, for me, is the most rewarding aspect of the process. Please leave your email address when contacting. I look forward to talking to you, Tracey

Services Provided

Design Consultation, Edible Gardens, Garden Design, Garden Plans, Patio Design, Planting Renovation

Areas Served

London, Kent, East Sussex, West Sussex, Surrey, Bromley, Beckenham, Dulwich


RHS Silver-Gilt Medal - BBC Gardeners' World Live 2015, Lifestyle Category, 'Greener Pastures' Show Garden


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Business Details

Business Name

Tracey Parker Landscape Design Ltd

Phone Number

07983 524452


London, Greater London SE2 0NB
United Kingdom

Typical Job Cost

£10,000 - £250,000


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14 Ideabooks

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Contact Tracey Parker Landscape Design Ltd
United Kingdom
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