Lighting designers in Carcroft, South Yorkshire

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Carcroft / 25 mi
115 of 34 professionals
34 Professionals

Featured Reviews for Lighting designers in Carcroft, South Yorkshire

Nigel Tyas Ironwork
Lighting designers in Carcroft, South Yorkshire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars25 October 2017
“We specified a stunning feature pendant in a bespoke configuration by Nigel Tyas Ironwork for a period project we completed in Highgate, London. They offer an outstanding range and are a great group of people to work with. Highly recommended.”
Dowsing & Reynolds
Lighting designers in Carcroft, South Yorkshire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars5 March 2020
“We love Dowsing & Reynolds sockets so much we just had to include them in our new display! We have recommended their sockets and other products in their range to many of our clients. As a company they have been a pleasure to deal with.”
TLW Global
Lighting designers in Carcroft, South Yorkshire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars14 February 2018
“Great selection of lighting that we use on our kitchen projects, TLW never fail to deliver on quality and service. From their vast and increasing portfolio of ranges to their excellent service and professionalism we (and our clients) are always delighted with TLW products, that really do create truly wonderful environments in our clients homes. Thank you for your support and enthusiasm TLW, we look forward to working with you on many of our future projects.”
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