Lighting designers in East Worlington, Devon

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East Worlington / 25 mi
112 of 12 professionals
12 Professionals

Featured Reviews for Lighting designers in East Worlington, Devon

Amos Lighting + Home
Lighting designers in East Worlington, Devon
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars2 December 2015
“Amos Lighting provides an exceptional service. Working alongside designers and architects they easily grasp the importance of great lighting within each project producing stunning results. They are professional and work within deadlines and budget with ease. They integrate well within the design team working cohesively with both architects and clients directly. We highly recommend their work.”
Grace & Glory Home
Lighting designers in East Worlington, Devon
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars5 September 2015
“Recently used their lighting in one of our recent projects, they were a joy to work with and the product looks amazing! We will defiantly work with them again in the future and look forward to it.”
The Lighting Company
Lighting designers in East Worlington, Devon
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars11 July 2016
“I've used The Lighting Company lights for residential interior design projects, in my own home and for editorial work with interior magazines. The range of well designed products available is next to none, the quality is fabulous and there's a price point to suit every budget. The customer service is always fast, friendly and efficient.”
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