Lighting designers in Madeley, Staffordshire

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Madeley / 25 mi
115 of 24 professionals
24 Professionals

Featured Reviews for Lighting designers in Madeley, Staffordshire

Hurricane Herbert
Lighting designers in Madeley, Staffordshire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars10 July 2017
“We live in an up and coming area of Manchester and made the decision that we would rather max out the use of the space of our well proportioned mid-terrace property, than the cost of upsizing in the area we would want to live in. So we employed Bespoke living to help realise the potential of our house something that we have no regrets in doing! For Dave came out and gave us some really progressive and imaginative layouts for the whole property. Not just offering one option but a variety dependent upon budget/planning etc. This was great for us to become more decisive on what we actually wanted and our now progressing with a loft conversion accommodating a guest bedroom with ensuite and a redistribution of the ground floor that creates a more flowing open plan feel whilst bringing a bigger kitchen with dinning island to the centre of the house. We would highly recommend Dave as his knowledge, enthusiasm and vision helped us realise what we actually needed.”
Lighting designers in Madeley, Staffordshire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars20 December 2016
“This is a fantastic company to work with, very clear and concise with their requests. We hope to have a long future partnership with the company. Chris Ball”
Lighting Guru Ltd
Lighting designers in Madeley, Staffordshire
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars15 November 2023
“Lighting Guru provides fantastic lighting design & advice and supplies the most stunning lights you can find! The personal service is above and beyond & you can create your own library of lighting options to help you create your perfect lighting order. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend this company.”
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